I am in no way qualified to discuss The President's forthcoming Supreme Court nominee (9:00pm est). So, I will defer to the experts. Hugh Hewitt is beginning 6 hours of special SCOTUS coverage extending into the evening. His line-up tonight is the best you'll find anywhere, including the Hammer himself. From his latest post...
If you would like to listen online, try the "Listen Live" link at KSKY in Dallas or the"Listen Live" link at WIND in Chicago. Guests will include K-Lo from NationalReview and Terry Eastland from the Weekly Standard, and law profs John Eastman, Erwin Chemerinsky, Jonathan Adler, and Glenn Reynolds.
This will begin an epic political melee, regardless of the candidate. Stay strong and smile. The moonbats will be swarming like a summer evening under the Congress Avenue Bridge.
Rumor has it, Judge Dread will be John Roberts. Red State.
John Roberts it is. Hugh Hewitt.
Judge John Roberts may be the smartest lawyer I have known, and he combines that intellect with a graciousness and good humor that will make it hard for any except the most extreme ideolouges to oppose him. Here's his bio, but it cannot fully convey the great intellectual force which Justice Roberts will bring to the SCOTUS.As expected and despite this man's astounding record and credentials, he is proving to be the dread of what is being Left, like People for the American Way...
People for the American Way is extremely disappointed that the President did not choose a consensus nominee in the mold of Sandra Day O’Connor. John Roberts’ record raises serious concerns as well as questions about where he stands on crucial legal and constitutional issues – it will be extremely important for Senators and the American people to get answers to those questions. Replacing O’Connor with someone who is not committed to upholding Americans’ rights, liberties, and legal protections would be a constitutional catastrophe.
Basically, this statement reads like a formulaic opposition template prepared in advance of whichever candidate was presented for nomination. insert name in blank. There is no principled opposition currently on the Left. Only absolute opposition. Don't let's be surprised when they make this ugly.
Jay Jorgenson of The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies has published an article reviewing,
Precedent From The Confirmation Hearings of Ruth Bader Ginsburg For The Conduct of Judicial Nominees.
The information contained within should prove very useful as the confirmation process begins and unfolds for Mr. Roberts. (HT: Hugh)
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