Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hillary Bin Lyin'...


Much has been made of Hillary Clinton's shrewd parsing of words in her recent 60 Minutes interview (HT: Politico) leaving the uncertain impression that Barrack Hussein Obama might or might not still be Muslim. To be clear, she did not use his actual middle name. And she didn't actually say that he was... or even that he wasn't for that matter. What she said in response to the question, "...a Muslim. You don't believe that he's…?" was this...

“No. No, there is nothing to base that on. As far as I know,” she said.

Now, regardless of the facts in the issue (because who cares, right?!) is anyone really shocked or surprised by a Clinton's ability to parse conjecture into invective while evading conviction?

Come to think of it, do we really know the answer to Kroft's question if it were turned against Clinton? A Muslim? You don't really believe that she's... (gasp!) Truth is, there's nothing to base that on. As far as I know. Just because My Sandmen say Hillary Bin Lyin'? there's nothing more to the rumors...

...started here.

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