Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Despotism In Fact...


The fact is, that it is the 'progressive' Left, in fact, that tends today toward despotism. From
Medical News Today:

Illinois Gov Rod Blagojevich (D) on Friday issued an emergency rule requiring pharmacies to accept and fill prescriptions for contraceptives "without delay" and established a toll-free number for state residents to report refusals, the... Washington Post reports (Lyderson, Washington Post, 4/2). "Our regulation says that if a woman goes to a pharmacy with a prescription for birth control, the pharmacy or the pharmacists is not allowed to discriminate or to choose who he sells it to or who he doesn't sell it to," Blagojevich said, adding, "No delays, no hassles. No lectures" (Davey, New York Times, 4/2). Under the rule, which lasts 150 days, if a pharmacist refuses to fill a prescription for contraceptives, the drug store must ensure that the patient receives the prescription "promptly" -- usually by having another pharmacist fill the prescription, according to the Los Angeles Times.

However, the policy does not require all pharmacies to stock contraceptives. According to Susan Hofer of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the state agency that oversees pharmacies, if a pharmacy does carry contraceptives but refuses to fill a valid prescription, it risks losing its license. She added that over the next 150 days, the state will hold public hearings on a proposal to make the rule permanent.

Free choice be damned! Individual moral imperatives are wholely subservient now to government edict and special interest dogma in the body of the Illinois crown. This decree is not simply about the dispensation of contraception, it is about the State compelling participation in abortion, which for many is 'murder.'

In February, a pharmacist at an Osco drug store in Illinois refused to dispense emergency contraception -- which can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse -- to two women, saying that they could return at a later time and ask for a different pharmacist. Osco and the American Pharmacists Association supported the pharmacist because of Illinois' "conscience clause" rule, which allows physicians to refuse to perform abortion-related services on moral or religious grounds. However, Blagojevich on Friday said that under his interpretation, only physicians, not pharmacists, could invoke the clause, according to the ChicagoSun-Times. He added that he was "taking a stand against a growing national trend" of pharmacists who oppose abortion refusing to dispense contraceptives...
For those people who believe that abortion is murder, the Governor of Illinois is putting one gun in their hand pointed at another life, while he shoves his own gun at their head and demands that they pull the trigger before he does.

And so it begins. For all of the blathering on the Left regarding the seemingly oppressive police powers of the Patriot Act, their felocious defence of choice, and a quasi-religious deference to a presumed separation of Church and State, here is a premier State Official pronouncing that his dogmatic agenda is to be imposed with the full force of State authority on individuals operating under government license.

And the Left fully agrees with him.

Are there any agencies and professional practices that are not somehow licensed by and through the State? ... doctors, nurses, engineers, plumbers, architects, mechanics, therapists, teachers?

When will you be forced to renounce your principles to their dogma? Absolutism has returned in the form of blind faithfullness to an irrational political movement intent to surrender 200 hundred years of liberty to the pragmatic fortune of consensual whim... the point of a gun.

Additional Stories. As infections do, the pestilence spreads...

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