Friday, March 31, 2006

Deep Impact On Global Warming...


From, Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone, (HT. FReeper, PatrickHenry)

A new theory to explain global warming was revealed at a meeting at the University of Leicester (UK) and is being considered for publication in the journal "Science First Hand". The controversial theory has nothing to do with burning fossil fuels and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

Most episodes of global climate change, noted in the geomorphological record of the Earth can be correllated with various geological and astronomical events... axial precession, solar variations, volcanic eruptions, and asteroid impacts.

The Tunguska Event, for instance, occurred near present day, Evenkia Siberia at at 7:17 AM on June 30, 1908 and involved the possible impact with the Earth of a extraterrestrial object. Most theories presume the object to have been a large asteroid, or small comet. Some have even posited a quasar or errant fragment of anti-matter. Whatever the source, the resulting explosion is commonly believed to have been between 10 and 15 Megatons. It decimated over 2,000 square kilometers, felling an estimated 60 million trees, while ejected enormous amounts of dust and material into the Earth's atmosphere. The blast was heard and felt hundreds of miles away, lighting the horizon, breaking glass, and knocking people off their feet.

Yet for all of its destructive power, the remote location of impact meant that it took nearly 20 years for investigators to reach the site. There they found a radial region of scorched earth and flattened trees extending 50 kilometers across. No crater was observed however. Yet curiously, many trees near the center of the zone remained upright, suggesting an atmospheric impact, rather than a deep one similar to the
Chicxulub event, albeit much smaller in size and effect.

Noting that climatic temperatures, are more significantly effected by minute changes in atmospheric water vapor, than by much larger volumes of so-called 'greenhouse' gasses like Carbon Dioxide, Professor Vladimir Shaidurov of the Russian Academy of Sciences submits that recoerded changes in water vaporare not affected by human activity. He theorizes that an enormous natural phenomenon is the most likely culprit.
As such, Shaidurov has concluded that only an enormous natural phenomenon, such as an asteroid or comet impact or airburst, could seriously disturb atmospheric water levels, destroying persistent so-called 'silver', or noctilucent, clouds composed of ice crystals in the high altitude mesosphere (50 to 85km). The Tunguska Event was just such an event, and coincides with the period of time during which global temperatures appear to have been rising the most steadily - the twentieth century. There are many hypothetical mechanisms of how this mesosphere catastrophe might have occurred, and future research is needed to provide a definitive answer.

Dr. Shaidurov's theory does not provide conclusive evidence that a major event like that of 1908 is the cause of a modern global warming trend. Nor does it suggest that any trend toward higher temeratures in itself is either real or unusual. What it does however, is offer an extremely credible alternative to the popular wisdom of our age... that the activities of Man, in his quest for progress, are tipping the balance of the Earth's environment toward irreparable destruction.

There are many real mechanisms of catastrophe at work both in hell and heaven, capable of doing that, in spite of Man...

... and in the blink of his eye.

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